You are made up of Star dust! 

We as humans have this hard wired tendency that makes us over estimate the capabilities of others and under estimate our own selves! 

What for! 

Trust me on this, no one has any clue of what is going on in their own lives, let alone the lives of others. We are all at the mercy of the randomness of the Universe! 

Yeah. That is how insignificant we are in the broader scheme of things, even if some time from now, we by some grace of something undefinable turn out to be Nikola Tesla or Elon Musk! 

Having said that, let us not forget that we are all made of stardust! We all have a lil magic inside us!

Yes, you shiny priceless creature. You are a god damn star! And you have magic within you. 
So, laugh out louder!

Love a lil harder.

And don’t take life too seriously, you wont come alive out of it anyways! 

Peace ! 
Somya ❤
PS: This post is for you paridhi :*

Much love?

Sometimes it’s hard. Hard to remember why you love yourself. Seriously. There could be people around you, family, friends or anyone who might be pointing out your flaws too often? Nagging constantly about stuff that you do or don’t?
They love us! Well mostly they do. And their intention isn’t to hurt us or get us down but it may not have the desired effects which might lower down our mental energy. When we love someone, we knowingly or unknowingly tend to see ourselves through their eyes. If this happens always remember that no one can love you more than you. So you gotta see yourself through your eyes again.  Believe that you’re important just the way you are. Totally and absolutely perfect in your imperfections.
Yeah. When you’re able to do this you’ll convince the world of the same. ❤

Remember nothing in the world is as important as you.
Stay happy!
For all we know, we get to live only once!

Lots of love